[Source: Cindy Tracy, Superior Sun] -- “I think the intent of council is to move on this and clear the property,” said Mayor Michael Hing, in what was possibly the most understated comment of the new year so far, about the crumpling center structure of the Magma Hotel. The remark was part of the brief discussion Jan. 14 that accompanied Superior Town Council’s ratification of an already awarded contract to Spray Systems of Arizona Inc. to demolish the fallen structure and abate the danger it poses to the public.
The town had previously declared the state of the building an emergency and given the owners a time limit to fix the problem, even though they had stated they were unable to do so. The cost to the town is $85,000 plus related and administrative expenses. The town will seek to recover the cost from the property’s owners, but Town Manager Rosie Cordova has stated that this process could take years.