[Source: Arizona State Parks] -- For the entire month of March 2008, the Arizona State Parks State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) is coordinating activities throughout the state for its annual celebration of Arizona Archaeology and Heritage Awareness Month. The highlight of Archaeology and Heritage Awareness Month is the Archaeology Expo at the Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona in Tucson on March 1-2, 2008 from 9 a.m. to 4 pm. Both days are open to the public and admission to the Expo is free. The Expo offers many attractions for those interested in archaeology and history. More than 35 special displays and booths by archaeological and historical organizations, museums, Native American tribes, state and federal agencies, and others will allow you to participate as an archaeologist might in their research today, or make crafts that teach how prehistoric Native Americans survived in the Southwest, or play games like the historic settlers did. Living history re-enactors, Native American demonstrators and entertainers, interactive activities, and tours of archaeology laboratories and museum collection areas and exhibits will help make the past come alive! In addition, tours of local prehistoric and historic archaeological sites will be featured.
Free raffles featuring prizes of archaeology-related items will occur throughout both days. Ethnic foods will be available for purchase. The Expo will give visitors new insights into Arizona's many prehistoric, historic, and contemporary cultures. Arizona State Museum is located on the University of Arizona campus at 1013 E. University Blvd. in Tucson. Click here for directions and parking information. For a detailed listing of all the events for the 2008 Archaeology and Heritage Awareness Month, call (602) 542-4174 or click here. The Archaeology Expo is sponsored by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), Arizona State Parks, and the Governor’s Archaeology Advisory Commission. Many other partners will be joining together to present a varied Expo format offering two days of educational, hands-on archaeology programs to the public.