Monday, February 13, 2006

Arizona State Parks to distribute $1.7 million in Heritage Fund grants

[Source: Arizona Republic] -- The Arizona State Parks Board will be offering up to $1.7 million in competitive Historic Preservation Heritage Fund Grants for fiscal year 2006. The board has increased the awarded grant limit to $150,000 from $100,000 per application, and the Historic Preservation Grant Program has made some significant program changes.

All grant applicants are now required to attend one of the statewide historic preservation grant workshops. Applications for the grants are due by May 31 for the first cycle of grants and December 29 for the second cycle. Call 602-542-4174 or visit the Arizona State Parks website for 2006 workshop dates, locations, and other information.

In the first cycle of 2005, Arizona State Parks awarded 13 Arizona Historic Preservation grants totaling $662,000. There were many Historic Preservation award recipients last year with some examples being: Florence's Brunenkant Bakery, Gilbert's Water Tower Pumphouse/Jail, Douglas Grand Theatre, 1906 Gila County Courthouse, and the acquisition of Ajo's Curley School.