Monday, May 22, 2006

Fire hits Naco's historic Camp Newell

[Source: Karen Weil, Sierra Vista Herald/Review] -- Four buildings comprising the junior officers’ quarters at historic Camp Newell were severely damaged by fire on Sunday afternoon. Arson is suspected, but Naco Fire Chief Jesus Morales said an investigation must be completed before determining any cause. No other buildings were damaged, and there were no injuries. Because they were adobe structures, the walls of the officers’ quarters were not destroyed. However, the wooden roofs burned completely. The fire was reported to authorities as starting at 3:38 p.m.

Jim Pionke, assistant chief of the Naco Fire Department, said the wind helped the fire leap from the building closest to the road, to the three others. “It was astounding how quickly it moved from one building to the next,” Pionke said. Inside of 30 to 60 seconds from their fire crew’s arrival, the second building was burning, he added. It took crews about an hour to bring the fire under control, Pionke said. Crews from Old Bisbee and San Jose departments also assisted. Pionke credited Bisbee with bringing a water cannon that greatly helped put out the fire.

The U.S. Border Patrol, which routinely patrols the area, assisted with traffic control, Pionke said. Morales said it is a shame that the officers’ quarters were damaged. “My grandfather has the original picture when the Army was building this,” he said, gesturing around the facility. [Note: To read the full article, click here.]