Friday, June 16, 2006

Scottsdale seeks historic status for ’50s district

[Source: Brian Powell, East Valley Tribune] -- The 1950s-era garden apartment buildings tucked away in downtown Scottsdale feature “Googie,” or Space Age architecture, accented rock walls and large balcony windows surrounding grassy courtyards with fountains and pools. And that’s how many residents want it to stay, supporting a city proposal to designate the area a garden apartment historic district. “We love the (Scottsdale) Palms and will do everything we can to maintain what we have,” said Mark Bianchi, homeowners association vice president of the building originally known as Jacaranda.

Similar comments were echoed by other building owners and residents who want to invest in their properties while maintaining the style and features that attracted them there. “Just the charm, the vintage, retro feel, there’s nothing like it anywhere in Scottsdale or Arizona that I’ve seen,” said Toby Tibbet, who is in escrow to buy a unit at Parc Scottsdale. “There’s a real neighborhood feel that some subdivisions don’t have.”

[Note: To read the full article, click here. Photo of Scottsdale garden apartment by Paul O'Neill, East Valley Tribune.]