[Source: Claire Bush, Arizona Business Gazette] -- Tom Virgil is in perpetual motion. As he darts among tables checking on diners, fetching drinks at the bar and greeting arrivals at Circa 1900, downtown Phoenix's new eatery in Heritage Square, the soft spoken restaurateur looks the picture of ease and charm. But then, service with a smile is nothing new for Virgil, whose day job has him on the road full time as a flight attendant for Tempe-based U.S. Airways.
Virgil and business partners Robert McCarville and Randy Betnar opened Circa 1900 in May on the site of the former Silva House as an adjunct to their successful Coronado Café two miles away on Seventh Street. The downtown site "sort of fell into our lap," Virgil said. "When we heard the Silva House was available, it fit into our plans to expand. We're excited about the way the area is growing."
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