- Historic preservation incentives, including grants and tax benefits;
- Current issues of concern in the Southwest;
- Historic preservation plans; and
- Preservation questions involving private property rights, advocacy, economic benefits, and interaction with federal and state agencies.
The session will also provide information on issues facing preservation advocates in the Southwest including:
- The State Registers - what are they and what do they do? have they failed or succeeded? recent successes and losses, benefits and differences in the programs; partnerships;
- Identifying partners to increase state register nominations in small communities and rural areas;
- Increasing community awareness about the need to protect cultural resources through Site Watch/Site Steward programs.
Cost: $30.00. Make checks payable and mail to: Arizona Preservation Foundation, P.O. Box 13492, Phoenix, AZ 85002. For more information, contact the Arizona Preservation Foundation by phone (602-258-1920) or e-mail.