[Source: Arizona Humanities Council] -- The Arizona Humanities Council, with funds from the NEH’s We the People initiative, is offering two $10,000 grants for the development and implementation of heritage tourism products that provide accurate and authentic interpretation of an area’s history and heritage by qualified humanities scholars, and demonstrate the ability to attract out-of-town tourists.
APPLICANTS: Arizona museums, historic houses, archaeological sites, and heritage centers that are constituted for nonprofit purposes, or are parts of governmental or tribal entities. Applicant organizations must own and exhibit artifacts, have at least one professional staff member or the full-time equivalent, be open at least 120 days per year, and have been open on a regular basis for at least two years before the date of application. Applicants must demonstrate that their planning committees include representation from the community’s chamber of commerce, CVB, and other related tourism sectors.
PROJECTS: Funding is limited to the planning and implementation of products that help preserve and tell a community’s story, such as exhibits. (AHC is interested in supporting lasting products rather than events such as festivals or lecture series.) Projects must provide accurate and authentic interpretation of the area’s history and heritage by qualified humanities scholars, and themes should draw from the unique stories of the museum’s geographic location and the people who live there, but should resonate with regional, national, and even international audiences. Projects must include marketing activities to attract an out-of-town audience, which may be part of a broader plan in conjunction with the applicant’s tourism community partners.
BUDGET: Eligible costs include administration, scholars and consultants, exhibition planning and fabrication, and interpretive materials. Grants will require at least a 100% match, cash or in-kind. Marketing activities should be counted as match.
GRANT PROCESS: Submit an "Intent To Apply" by the July 30, 2007, deadline. Proposals will be due September 10, 2007, for projects with expenditures occurring after October 22, 2007. Projects should be completed by October 31, 2008.
[For more information, click here.]