Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Propose a session for the 2008 National Preservation Conference

The National Trust for Historic Preservation invites you to submit a proposal for an education session for the National Preservation Conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma, October 21 – 25, 2008. We seek proposals that present critical issues that challenge communities across the country and cutting-edge historic preservation strategies and models that address these. We invite a broad range of proposals that include cultural, subject matter, and geographic diversity.

The National Trust uses an on-line session proposal submission system, which will make your submission experience easy, fun, and efficient. Click the links in the navigation bar above to access the system. To print the instructions on developing, submitting, and managing Education Sessions or Field Sessions, click below:
Important dates to remember for the submission process are:
  • Friday, January 11 ~ Proposal submission deadline
  • February ~ National Trust reviews, refines and/or combines session proposals
  • Thursday, March 1 ~ Affinity event application deadline
  • Week of March 10 ~ National Trust notifies applicants of acceptance or rejection of proposal
  • March 10-18 ~ National Trust revises session description for inclusion in Preliminary Program
  • Monday, April 7 ~ Session managers receive budget and speaker paperwork
  • Friday, April 25 ~ Session budget and final speaker information due
  • Monday, June 2 ~ National Trust mails Preliminary Program to session manager, moderator, and speakers with taping authorization and audio-visual equipment request forms
  • Wednesday, July 30 ~ Recording authorization forms due
  • October 21-25 ~ National Preservation Conference 2008
  • Monday, December 1 ~ Expense reimbursement requests due

Questions? Please contact conference@nthp.org. Begin the online submission process for Education Sessions and Poster Sessions.