Thursday, December 13, 2007

National Trust for Historic Preservation announces preservation leadership training

[Source: Alison Hinchman] -- The National Trust for Historic Preservation is pleased to announce Preservation Leadership Training June 21 - 28, in Portland, Maine. The application deadline is March 31, 2008. Preservation Leadership Training (PLT) is an intensive one-week program that provides participatory learning experiences in leadership and organizational development; stimulating education sessions; and up-to-the-minute information on current preservation practices, issues, and action strategies.

PLT is for board members and staff of preservation organizations and agencies, Main Street communities, and others who are in a position to influence preservation efforts in their communities. The tuition for the program is $450; National Trust Forum members are eligible for a discounted tuition of $350. Participants are responsible for lodging costs, meals and transportation to and from the PLT site. A limited number of scholarships are available; please see the website for details. For more information, call 202-588-6067, or send an email.