Friday, January 18, 2008

Help envision where and how future Central AZ residents will live and work

AZ One, a Reality Check for Central Arizona, is a one-day exercise that will bring together more than 300 diverse stakeholders to discuss, analyze, and develop alternative growth scenarios for this rapidly growing region. On May 16, 2008 participants will work in groups to envision where and how the next 6 million people expected to move here will live and work. The group will allocate expected growth patterns using Legos® in a hands on approach that will visually depict challenges and opportunities facing the Central Arizona region which includes all of Maricopa County and the northern portion of Pinal County.

Who? Over 300 stakeholders will be selected from open nominations and invited to participate in the morning visioning process. The group will ultimately represent all sectors of the community, including government and elected officials, Tribal communities, large corporations and small businesses, non-profits, neighborhood activists, interfaith groups, environmentalists, educators, and others. The selection process has been developed to ensure diversity from across the region. To nominate yourself or others for the opportunity to participate in the morning visioning process, visit

Initiated by the Urban Land Institute, AZ One is a collaboration of the State of Arizona , the Governor's Growth Cabinet and an additional 18 public, private and civic alliances. Among these alliances are: Arizona State University, Central Arizona Association of Governments, East Valley Partnership, Maricopa Association of Governments, The Nature Conservancy, Valley Forward Association, WESTMARC, and others.

About the Day. The day will include the morning visioning exercise followed by a luncheon and afternoon program. The morning exercise involves 10-person teams who will create guiding principles for future development based on their shared values. Using their guiding principles, each group will then gather around a large-scale map and begin allocating colored Legos® representing jobs and residential growth. All of the Lego® blocks signifying expected future growth in the Central Arizona Region must be placed on the map. The placement of the Legos® will result in different growth scenarios created by each team.

The luncheon and afternoon program are open to the public and will feature recognized keynote speakers on growth issues. The afternoon session will also include the results and an analysis of the different growth scenarios.