Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tucson's Rio Nuevo delays frustrating, but starting to yield results (op-ed)

[Source: Nina Trasoff] -- Rio Nuevo has experienced some growing pains. Nobody would deny this. We've had to modify some early plans, rethink our approach to mapping out what will be the major features in a revitalized city center, and face the reality of a listless economy along the way. These actions reflect good stewardship of a very large, complex project that is moving from concept to reality. It is only appropriate that there will be modifications along the way. The Legislature granted us a golden opportunity to create a city center that is a source of pride and economic prosperity by approving the Tax-Increment Financing District. We can't afford to squander that opportunity by choosing the wrong path for the sake of expediency. The delays have been frustrating for everyone who wants to enjoy a vibrant and exciting downtown, including the mayor and City Council. But over the past two years, we have taken concrete steps that should assure our community that Rio Nuevo is happening.

[Note: To read the full article, click here.]