Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Future 'Megapolitan' area will take in tri-cities

[Source: Cindy Barks, Daily Courier] -- As Arizona's cities continue to grow and meld together into a massive
"Megapolitan," preservation of Prescott's unique features will become even more critical. That was one of the points that prominent Arizona attorney and land-use expert Grady Gammage Jr (pictured) made Monday night in his comments to about 75 people who turned out at the Yavapai College Performance Hall for the latest segment of the 2050 Visioning planning effort's series of speakers.

Gammage, who helped to author the recently released Morrison Institute report, "Megapolitan - Arizona's Sun Corridor," focused on the study's premise that Arizona's major cities would continue to grow together in coming decades. By about 2035, Gammage predicted that the population corridor would form one major "Megapolitan" that would include six Arizona counties and would stretch northwest from Sierra Vista near the Mexican border, ultimately encompassing Tucson, Phoenix, Prescott, and Chino Valley. [Note: To read the full article, click here.]