[Source: Wayne Connelley, NAU Alumni Association Board of Directors] -- Help the NAU Alumni Association and the NAUAA Past Presidents Club restore the NAU Logging Wheels and preserve a longstanding and cherished collegiate tradition well into the future. Since the 1930s the NAU Logging Wheels have been the centerpiece of the annual Homecoming Parade, carrying the Homecoming Royalty and symbolizing Flagstaff's lumber town heritage. But due to neglect and weather, a full restoration is the only answer to continue the tradition. We have undertaken this project and need your help to achieve three goals:
- Restoration: The first goal is to raise $25,000 by July 2006 for a full restoration by a reputable wheelwright company.
- Housing and Display: The second goal, once this initial $25K is raised, is the permanent display of the wheels. The university has committed to creating a campus home that will protect these important artifacts from the elements.
- Long-Term Care and Maintenance: The third goal is to raise an additional $25,000 which will be placed in a trust fund for the long-term care and maintenance of the wheels.
Please contribute to the NAU Logging Wheels Restoration Fund. The fund is held by the NAU Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization. All contributions are tax deductible. You can contribute
online, or mail to: NAU Logging Wheels Restoration Fund (#4983), NAU Foundation, P.O. Box 4068, Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4068.
[Photo of 1938 Homecoming king and queen riding the traditional logging wheels.]