Thursday, February 02, 2006

Rural landscapes and post WWII subdivisions topic of February 24 National Register workshop

[Contact: Kathryn Leonard, State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), 602-542-7136] -- Arizona's SHPO will hold a workshop on documenting and evaluating the National Register of Historic Places eligibility of Rural Historic Landscapes and Post World War II Subdivisions.
The workshop will be led by Linda McClelland, National Register Historian and Reviewer for the State of Arizona. Ms. McClelland coauthored the National Register Bulletins on Rural Historic Landscapes and Historic Residential Suburbs and is also well known for her research on the history of landscape architecture in the National Park System.

The intent of this workshop is to provide cultural resources professionals with a better understanding of these challenging property types. Particular emphasis will be given on how to apply the Rural Historic Landscape concept to Arizona’s ranch properties. A question and answer session will follow Ms. McClelland’s presentation on matters pertaining to rural historic landscapes, ranches, Post World War II subdivisions, and technical aspects of the National Register listing process. Space is limited and participation must be confirmed prior to the event by contacting Kathryn Leonard at the e-mail or phone noted above.