[Source: Alison and Matthew King, Modern Phoenix Neighborhood Network] -- For all of you fans of Mid-Century Modern architecture and design, we know you're likely frittering away your Monday morning with last-minute gift purchases and self-indulgent surfing through your bookmarked guilty pleasures, but we think we have something you should really drop everything for. ModernPhoenix.net has rolled out lots of new features that we're rightly proud of.
THE MAP. We are thrilled to announce the debut of a Google-enhanced, zoomable, clickable version of our already-famous Modern Phoenix Neighborhood Map. Five years ago this knowledge was once the domain of word-of-mouth and a few scattered publications -- now you can pinpoint the heart of every modern neighborhood we have content about, and some swank modern landmarks to boot. Over 100 areas are identified. Still in beta, the map will keep growing this season as more resources are added.
Click here!
TOP TEN SURVEY. We'd like your input in creating the NEW official 2008 Top Ten Modern Phoenix Neighborhood Map. From Arcadia to Brannandale to Campus Vista, we've got tons of neighborhoods listed for you weigh your opinion on. Only 100 votes will be counted, so represent yourself and your 'hood in our SurveyMonkey poll.
Click here!
MESSAGE BOARD MAKEOVER. If you haven't already blown off a half-hour on Items One or Two, your jaded self must check out our new message board forums. We have a whole new look and tons of 2.0 features.
Click here!
HISTORY. What would a major ModPhx upgrade be without juicy new content? You can peek inside the archives of our own personal home, The Hopkins House, and learn about the early postwar stylings of architect Ralph Haver. Our renovation progress may be slow, but the history of the home is long, and we hope you enjoy digging trough our archives as much as we did.
Click here!
PHOENIX FROZE OVER -- WE NOW ACCEPT ADVERTISING. We can't wait to run your ads. Seriously. If you have a service or product that is modern, what better way to let your market know than to advertise on our site? If your own website is not getting over 100,000 pageviews a month like ours is,
drop Alison a line. New ads roll out on January 1, so enroll soon to reserve the winter quarter.
Click here!